Alright! So, here's where we are! I just got done posting my craigslist ads and I'm ready to get the trading under way! I was able to trade my viola away to a very good friend of mine. You know him as the one and only Michael "Bubba" Stallcup! Yes, the same guy who traded me the wicker fish for my stickers! Before I tell you exactly what we have here, please note... this is about to get AWESOME! Bubba is not only a masterful collector of wicker products, but he also is trained in the skill of Website Developing!
I am currently waiting on some samples from him to post on here and my craigslist ads so you can see just how awesome he is! So as to the amount he traded me for... he traded me $2,000 WORTH OF WEB DEVELOPING! How AWESOME it that! That means that for any business out there who needs a website for your LLC, I have the PERFECT thing for you! You get a professional website for absolutely $0.00! All it takes is trading something just a little bit bigger and better than what I am offering. If you have that company vehicle sitting around there that no one uses any more, or that golf cart you got on a whim that is not as feasible as you once thought :), whatever it may be, please consider helping me get to where I am going!
The coolest thing about this particular trade is that the next one does not have to be in Texas! It can be anywhere in the US! If you are in need of a website, NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE, this is the deal for you!!!
So, now I leave it to you! All I ask is that someone out there will
trade me something a little bit bigger and better. The options are
wide open! If you have something you might want to trade me, feel free
to email me at You are also welcome to call or text at a
decent hour. My number is 432-twoeighteight-four7zero6!
Saga LB-33V Full Size Pernambucco Viola Bow with Ebony Frog (Google Affiliate Ad)Saga LB-31V Full Size Pernambucco Viola Bow (Google Affiliate Ad)Cecilio VAC-600 Deluxe Oblong Viola Case (Google Affiliate Ad)
Experiment! Website Conversion Rate Optimization With A/b, Split, and Multivariate (Mv) Testing By Mcfarland, Colin (Google Affiliate Ad)
Summitsoft Website 8099847 (Google Affiliate Ad)
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Full Force!
Hey there readers! If I had to guess, it has been a while since you have been here and because of that, let me say Welcome Back!! For those of you who have been checking back frequently for an update, thank you for your support and consistency. As I said before, I am going to see this thing to the end.
To quote Unknown Author in their quip "One Step", "Foolish people with all their other thoughts, have this one too: They are always getting ready to live, but never living. Your success will start when you begin to pursue it. To reach your goal or to attain success, you don't need to know all of the answers in advance. You just need to have a clear idea of what your goal is. Don't procrastinate when faced with difficult problems. Break your problems into parts, and handle one part at a time. Develop tendencies toward taking action. You can make something happen right now. Divide your big plan into small steps and take that first step right away. Everyone who ever got where they are had to begin where they were. Your big opportunity is where you are right now.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Take it."
It's time to get this done. I am going to push to the end, but it starts with taking the next step! If you have been with me from the beginning, I applaud you and I need you! If you are joining me on this journey right now and this is the first time you have seen anything about this, know that this journey is being pursued because of a love for my family.
I have a question for you. Do you have something worth starting that you are hesitant about getting going on? Let me tell you from experience: Get going! There is no better time than right now and there is nothing more rewarding than setting out to obtain the seemingly unobtainable and getting closer and closer with each step you take! It is worth the hardships of the moment. It is worth the ridicule... and you know why? It's because at the end of the day, because God was with you the whole way, you did it! Not only that, but for every person who dogged you along the way, there were 10 people who loved and encouraged you. If I have any encouragement for you today it is this...
and this is where I want to be... "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing." everything you do, do it for THE GLORY OF GOD! He will bless you efforts! God is good... ALL THE TIME!
To quote Unknown Author in their quip "One Step", "Foolish people with all their other thoughts, have this one too: They are always getting ready to live, but never living. Your success will start when you begin to pursue it. To reach your goal or to attain success, you don't need to know all of the answers in advance. You just need to have a clear idea of what your goal is. Don't procrastinate when faced with difficult problems. Break your problems into parts, and handle one part at a time. Develop tendencies toward taking action. You can make something happen right now. Divide your big plan into small steps and take that first step right away. Everyone who ever got where they are had to begin where they were. Your big opportunity is where you are right now.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Take it."
It's time to get this done. I am going to push to the end, but it starts with taking the next step! If you have been with me from the beginning, I applaud you and I need you! If you are joining me on this journey right now and this is the first time you have seen anything about this, know that this journey is being pursued because of a love for my family.
I have a question for you. Do you have something worth starting that you are hesitant about getting going on? Let me tell you from experience: Get going! There is no better time than right now and there is nothing more rewarding than setting out to obtain the seemingly unobtainable and getting closer and closer with each step you take! It is worth the hardships of the moment. It is worth the ridicule... and you know why? It's because at the end of the day, because God was with you the whole way, you did it! Not only that, but for every person who dogged you along the way, there were 10 people who loved and encouraged you. If I have any encouragement for you today it is this...
and this is where I want to be... "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing." everything you do, do it for THE GLORY OF GOD! He will bless you efforts! God is good... ALL THE TIME!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Sobaticle's Over... Back to Business!
Good Morning from Odessa! I know that some of my readers out there are probably wondering where I've been the last month. This post will be solely to fill you in on what is going on with my trading and where I'm going from here.
About a month ago, a friend of mine helped me realize that I was spending a crazy amount of time and energy on things that, in the spectrum of importance, should fall to the wayside. Fishing is a passion of mine. As I said in my very first post, because of the example my father set for me, my goal for my family is to put them first. This whole project was to avoid spending money on a boat that should be used to benefit my family. And while that is still the goal, my dream blinded me from what was right in front of me, in reality. My family. I was spending hours and hours on my fishing projects a day and in many ways, neglecting to give my wife the same amount of attention. I decided that it was important for me to take a break from everything fishing. Fortunately, as the seasons change and only last for a short time, this passion has been released to me. My wife and my God are now my first priorities above all else.
NOW! I am very excited to get back to business on my trading up. At this point, I still have my viola. I met a woman this last week who teaches orchestra at a local junior high school, but more importantly, she specializes in Violins and Violas! Go figure! My plan is to have her play my viola and I'll record it and stick in on here so you all can hear it! I imagine someone looking for a viola that can't play it themselves (if they live too far from Odessa) would be tentative to offer a trade. But if they know and can hear that it's a quality instrument, it should make it easier.
I have actually gotten two offers for my viola in the last few weeks. One was from a web design company based out of the DFW area. She offered me a quality web design for someone to trade for my instrument. This is what I have been waiting for! I think this kind of thing will allow me to get to the next level of item! Who knows how many small businesses there are out there that need a website and have an old company vehicle layin around?!?! How cool would it be to get something like that?! I think it would make it so much more real for me. My other offer was for a VERY cool antique piggy bank. The gentleman didn't even know what was inside of it! Maybe some really old collector coins! Funny story about that though... I hope he reads this and gets back in touch with me... My phone was running very, very slowly. A tip I heard was to delete all your old text messages. I had text messages that dated back for the last 3 years! I was trying to be intentional about not deleting important ones, but I found out the hard way that when you delete it... it's gone... there's no getting it back. And sure enough, I hit the delete button, not realizing who's texts I was deleting. Now I have NO way to get in touch with this guy! He said that this piggy bank could be valued anywhere from $2000 to $8000!! AGGGGHHHHHHH!! So, sir, if you are reading this, please shoot me another text. I promise not to delete you this time!
So this is where I'm at. I want to honor all those who have traded me by completing this journey! I just have to make sure that I always put God and my family before all of my goofy hobbies... they are clearly more important. However, this is fun and I can't wait to see this come to it's exciting conclusion! If you would be interested in trading me something and you live ANYWHERE in Texas, please feel free to get in touch with me. My number is 432-twoeighteight-four7zero6! You can also email me at What I have learned recently, however, is that you don't have to live in Texas if you want to trade me something like a Website design. That could go to anyone in America! The next trade, unless it was something similar, would have had to be in Texas. Let's see how creative we can get! I'll make sure to let you all know when I get that video put up! Stay tuned for the next excited chapter!
Until Next Time,
-Something Bigger Something Better
About a month ago, a friend of mine helped me realize that I was spending a crazy amount of time and energy on things that, in the spectrum of importance, should fall to the wayside. Fishing is a passion of mine. As I said in my very first post, because of the example my father set for me, my goal for my family is to put them first. This whole project was to avoid spending money on a boat that should be used to benefit my family. And while that is still the goal, my dream blinded me from what was right in front of me, in reality. My family. I was spending hours and hours on my fishing projects a day and in many ways, neglecting to give my wife the same amount of attention. I decided that it was important for me to take a break from everything fishing. Fortunately, as the seasons change and only last for a short time, this passion has been released to me. My wife and my God are now my first priorities above all else.
NOW! I am very excited to get back to business on my trading up. At this point, I still have my viola. I met a woman this last week who teaches orchestra at a local junior high school, but more importantly, she specializes in Violins and Violas! Go figure! My plan is to have her play my viola and I'll record it and stick in on here so you all can hear it! I imagine someone looking for a viola that can't play it themselves (if they live too far from Odessa) would be tentative to offer a trade. But if they know and can hear that it's a quality instrument, it should make it easier.
I have actually gotten two offers for my viola in the last few weeks. One was from a web design company based out of the DFW area. She offered me a quality web design for someone to trade for my instrument. This is what I have been waiting for! I think this kind of thing will allow me to get to the next level of item! Who knows how many small businesses there are out there that need a website and have an old company vehicle layin around?!?! How cool would it be to get something like that?! I think it would make it so much more real for me. My other offer was for a VERY cool antique piggy bank. The gentleman didn't even know what was inside of it! Maybe some really old collector coins! Funny story about that though... I hope he reads this and gets back in touch with me... My phone was running very, very slowly. A tip I heard was to delete all your old text messages. I had text messages that dated back for the last 3 years! I was trying to be intentional about not deleting important ones, but I found out the hard way that when you delete it... it's gone... there's no getting it back. And sure enough, I hit the delete button, not realizing who's texts I was deleting. Now I have NO way to get in touch with this guy! He said that this piggy bank could be valued anywhere from $2000 to $8000!! AGGGGHHHHHHH!! So, sir, if you are reading this, please shoot me another text. I promise not to delete you this time!
So this is where I'm at. I want to honor all those who have traded me by completing this journey! I just have to make sure that I always put God and my family before all of my goofy hobbies... they are clearly more important. However, this is fun and I can't wait to see this come to it's exciting conclusion! If you would be interested in trading me something and you live ANYWHERE in Texas, please feel free to get in touch with me. My number is 432-twoeighteight-four7zero6! You can also email me at What I have learned recently, however, is that you don't have to live in Texas if you want to trade me something like a Website design. That could go to anyone in America! The next trade, unless it was something similar, would have had to be in Texas. Let's see how creative we can get! I'll make sure to let you all know when I get that video put up! Stay tuned for the next excited chapter!
Until Next Time,
-Something Bigger Something Better
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
No Strings Attached... Well, It's Only Missing One Anyways.
What I love about this process is that it is set up for success. As long as I continue toward my goal and keep at it, I WILL eventually get to my bass boat! Before we dive into my trade, I want to share some really exciting progressions in my story! I got an amazing email from one Tyler Reed who is the social media editor and the BASS Federation Editor for B.A.S.S. inc. He informed me that he had spoken to Trisha, the Texas sales rep for BASS that I told you all about, and they were quite interested in my project! He had visited my blog and decided that it was worth pursuing! They let me know that when I get closer to my bass boat that they would like to do a story on my journey! How Exciting!! We discussed what it might mean to be "close" and I decided to set a $$ amount to shoot for. That amount is now officially $10,000. So, what that means for BASS is when I get to about the $8,000 mark, they will be in touch with me to do a write-up. As if that wasn't incredible enough, they offered to share my story on their twitter page! Needless to say my ratings and views jumped like crazy! Here is a link so you can check it out! I also got in touch with Skeeter Boats. I spoke with a woman for about half an hour on the possibilities of working with them. She was pumped up about the potential for a story that she had me write something up that she could send off to the people who are over advertising to see if they might want to do anything about it! I'll let you know if anything develops on that front.
As most of you know, I have just opened up the spectrum of my trading audience to the whole state of Texas! And because of that, there are going to be many of you who are visiting my blog for the first time, so I'm going to do a quick recap of what we're doing here.
On January 9th, I began a journey to obtain my goal and realize my dream of owning a bass boat! I started with a broken water-pistol and traded up and up with that end goal in mind. In just 5 trades, I obtained a serger sewing machine ranging in the neighborhood of $500-800! In my next couple of trades, I really hope to bust into that four digit realm! AND You can help me get there!!
This trade took a while. In fact, I was sitting on my serger for something like 3 weeks! The longest I had gone before was about a week so this felt like an ETERNITY! All that said, it was expected as I explained it in my blog entry, Here's Where it Gets Interesting. However, it was not for lack of response. I had several offers for my serger, but they just weren't the right ones... until... I got that precious email from one Kim Marr of the Austin, TX area! She's not really as small as she looks... I am a giant! my 6'7", 300lb self makes most normal people look tiny. I had posted in several Craigslist cities that I was going to be in the Abilene, TX area last week and for Kim, that meant a win-win for her. She had some friends who lived in Brownwood, TX that she was dying to see and she had something she was dying to trade me for my awesome serger! So it worked out perfectly! It just so happened that one of the few storms that have hit Texas in the last year decided to try to rain on my parade! But, I wasn't going to let that stop me. I weathered the storm and drove the short one and a half hour drive to Brownwood so that we could make a trade!
As most of you know, I have just opened up the spectrum of my trading audience to the whole state of Texas! And because of that, there are going to be many of you who are visiting my blog for the first time, so I'm going to do a quick recap of what we're doing here.
On January 9th, I began a journey to obtain my goal and realize my dream of owning a bass boat! I started with a broken water-pistol and traded up and up with that end goal in mind. In just 5 trades, I obtained a serger sewing machine ranging in the neighborhood of $500-800! In my next couple of trades, I really hope to bust into that four digit realm! AND You can help me get there!!
This trade took a while. In fact, I was sitting on my serger for something like 3 weeks! The longest I had gone before was about a week so this felt like an ETERNITY! All that said, it was expected as I explained it in my blog entry, Here's Where it Gets Interesting. However, it was not for lack of response. I had several offers for my serger, but they just weren't the right ones... until... I got that precious email from one Kim Marr of the Austin, TX area! She's not really as small as she looks... I am a giant! my 6'7", 300lb self makes most normal people look tiny. I had posted in several Craigslist cities that I was going to be in the Abilene, TX area last week and for Kim, that meant a win-win for her. She had some friends who lived in Brownwood, TX that she was dying to see and she had something she was dying to trade me for my awesome serger! So it worked out perfectly! It just so happened that one of the few storms that have hit Texas in the last year decided to try to rain on my parade! But, I wasn't going to let that stop me. I weathered the storm and drove the short one and a half hour drive to Brownwood so that we could make a trade!
Previously, Kim had informed me that she had the perfect item to trade me! She had a 1998 A.R. Seidel German made, 15" viola. I know what you are thinking... Did he mistype viloin...? And if not, what the heck is a viola?! Well, it is the much unappreciated, lesser known cousin of the violin. It is known for its smoother, fuller sound compared to the sometimes shrill nature of the violin. It's the alto version, if you will. From what I have been told, there are about 10 violins in the world for every viola. So, what that means to me is that they are harder to get a hold of, thus, in higher demand. Fortunately for me, I happen to know about 7 or 8 violists who hopefully can help me get hooked up with that next trade! Right now is the perfect time to try to trade it because UIL competition is getting ready to be underway and some people are going to be looking for a viola for their kiddos!
Anyhow, after a little research, I came to the conclusion that this was going to be a good trade. It retailed new for over $1,700 according to this document that I found on Google. And that's just for the viola itself! This one comes with a hard case, bow, music stand and all the necessary stuff for maintenance and upkeep. Altogether, in the condition that it's in (which is immaculate), and given its age, it is priced at around the $800-900 range. It was not a big price jump for me, but what it provided me with is something that I can hopefully trade up quickly and for something awesome! It is missing a string which I will get replaced soon. In my next post, I will hopefully have a few more pictures and a video or two of someone playing it so you all can hear how beautiful it sounds!
Here's a little history on this beautiful viola. Kim purchased it in 2000. She was a double major in music and theater and needed to learn a stringed instrument. She claimed it was the perfect instrument for her because she has small hands and it wasn't a strain to try to reach what she needed to in order to make beautiful melodies! She enjoyed it so much that she bought it after her class ended so that she could keep learning. As many of us understand, when life gets crazy, some things get re-prioritized. For Kim, that meant that her dreams of being a professional violist had to be put aside for now. So it has not been played for quite a while and is in DIRE need of someone to put it to some good use. For sure, I am not the one to do that so I need to trade it away to someone who can as soon as possible. :)
I have a couple of questions. Do you think a YouTube channel would be helpful? I was thinking about starting one so that I can show everyone exactly what all of my trades can do; how my viola sounds... how the serger would have worked... show you all how good the picture on the flatscreen will be... and how well the awesome giant pick up will sound when you crank it up... and finally, how my awesome bass boat runs! Let me know what you think in the comment box!
So, now I leave it to you! All I ask is that someone out there will trade me something a little bit better than my viola! The options are wide open! If you have something you might want to trade me, feel free to email me at You are also welcome to call or text at a decent hour. My number is 432-twoeighteight-four7zero6!
Thank you all for making this so exciting. To date, my
page has received over 2500 hits from 10 different countries including Canada (maybe that's Kyle MacDonald of coming to check out my progress)! Before you close out
this page, I encourage you to subscribe to this page so we can keep in
touch! Thank you again so very much! I'll keep you posted on all the excitement to come! Until next time...
-Something Bigger Something Better
Monday, February 6, 2012
Sergers, B.A.S.S., and SO much more!
Let's keep things rolling! I have some really exciting news! BUT! If you want to read about the exciting next chapter, you will have to stay tuned to the end! I have been into some pretty big deals lately! If this is brand new to you, I began my journey about a month ago with a dream of owning my very own bass boat! I started with a small broken water pistol, traded that for a small page of stickers. The stickers went for an awesome wicker fish, that in turn went for some beautiful Asian decorations, which then went for what might have been the sturdiest rocking chair I ever sat in and.... as of now, I traded for and still own a VERY nice Savant serger (and accessories). I mean, honestly, a month ago, I would have never guessed that I would have gotten so far so fast! I mean, it took paper-clip-man an entire year to get his house and more trades to get to the level of value that I am at! GOOD GRIEF!
You think that's exciting?! Well, it absolutely is, but I want to tell you about some really exciting developments in the B.A.S.S. realm. About 2 weeks ago, I called into the's advertising/sales department where you can purchase ad space in Bass Master Magazine and so much more. I spoke to a very sweet woman and told her my story. I explained how we could be mutually beneficial. It would be good for them because they could advertise on my page and because of how much traffic my page is getting (thanks to all of you), they would get some solid notoriety and promotion. I LOVE the thought of getting to be a part of getting Bass Master's name out there more and helping to enhance and progress the sport of bass fishing by any means possible. And on the flip side, they would help me get some spotlight so others could see my story and maaaayyyybbbeeee... just maybe, they could help me get that final trade for the bass boat of my dreams. Well, the sweet lady at Bass Masters said how exciting my story was and that she loved the vision, however, it was over her head. But, she was so inspired that she felt compelled to give me the number of someone who might be able to help. (I wish I could remember your name Bass Master sales lady! You are awesome!) So, she gave me the number of another wonderful woman named Trisha who just happens to be the Texas sales/advertising rep for Bass Master! How cool is that! I was about to pitch my story to the stinkin rep of Texas! So, again, I told her my story and she was so inspired and compelled to help me that she left the conversation with these words that I will never, ever, EVER forget... She said that this whole thing was technically over her head. Then she followed up with the fact that she was going to headquarters in Indiana the very next day and was willing to pitch my story to the people there who could do something about it! Even the part about them potentially helping me get that last trade!! HOW AWESOME! She said that she would let me know when she heard something. So, I waited... one day... two days... and by day three, I HAD to call and see what she found out. She informed me that she had passed on all my info and that if Bass Master wanted to do a story on my journey, that they would be in touch. So, I am waiting as patiently as I can and I'm so excited to see what might happen! I feel like there are a lot of exclamation marks in this post! Can you tell I'm excited?! To make things even more exciting, I am going to call Triton Boats, Skeeter Boats, Tracker Boats, Champion Boats, and anyone else I can think of and pitch them my story as well! I also plan on getting in touch with the local paper and seeing if they have any interest in helping me get the word out to the local West Texas area.
In the meantime, I have got to keep doing what I'm doing and get some more trades coming my way! I have even had one person say that if I can get somewhere near the $40,000 range that they would trade me a piece of property that they own! Maybe that should be my mark... it seems so unattainable, but so did a $800 piece of sewing equipment a month ago... So here's my exciting news! I have decided that in order to have a better chance of completing this journey, I am opening up my horizons. My wife has graciously agreed to let me advertise that if you are ANYWHERE in Texas, we can make a deal. I know that it will take some time, money, and effort, but it is TOTALLY worth it, even if I have to drive 10 hours in a day to make it happen! I will post similar ads in the Dallas area, in the Houston area, the San Antonio area and the Austin area in hopes that I might be able to find the right people for the trades! I am so very excited to see where this train will take me. Like I said earlier, it took my man Kyle MacDonald an entire year to get his appx. $50,000 house in Canada. Let's show him how we do it here in Texas! If you are out there anywhere in Texas and have the vision to see vision, or just really, really want my serger, I encourage you to email me at Remember, all I want is something that is at least a little bit better than what I have. You can also call or text me during decent hours at 432-twoeighteight-four7zero6. Please leave me a voicemail if you don't get ahold of me. I can't wait to get the next offer!
I have a challenge for you. I searched and searched the net for information on this specific serger but to no avail. I would very much appreciate it if someone out there could find a link online for information on this serger. It is a Savant serger model number st600L. It would be very helpful in allowing people to understand its value. Please leave links in the comment box below. ALSO and more importantly, if you had anything in the world, not saying that you have to commit to anything, but if you were able, what are some things you might think are comparable trades for my serger? I ask this so that people can get ideas of what might be something they could consider trading. Leave any thoughts in the comment box as well!
Thank you all again for making this so exciting. It would not be nearly as fun if I knew that I was the only one reading these. But, to date, my page has received nearly 1700 hits from 9 different countries. Way to go guys! And now that the word is getting out to the rest of Texas, I expect to see some serious increases in page views! Before you close out this page, I encourage you to subscribe to this page so we can keep in touch! Thank you again so very much! I'll keep you posted.
You think that's exciting?! Well, it absolutely is, but I want to tell you about some really exciting developments in the B.A.S.S. realm. About 2 weeks ago, I called into the's advertising/sales department where you can purchase ad space in Bass Master Magazine and so much more. I spoke to a very sweet woman and told her my story. I explained how we could be mutually beneficial. It would be good for them because they could advertise on my page and because of how much traffic my page is getting (thanks to all of you), they would get some solid notoriety and promotion. I LOVE the thought of getting to be a part of getting Bass Master's name out there more and helping to enhance and progress the sport of bass fishing by any means possible. And on the flip side, they would help me get some spotlight so others could see my story and maaaayyyybbbeeee... just maybe, they could help me get that final trade for the bass boat of my dreams. Well, the sweet lady at Bass Masters said how exciting my story was and that she loved the vision, however, it was over her head. But, she was so inspired that she felt compelled to give me the number of someone who might be able to help. (I wish I could remember your name Bass Master sales lady! You are awesome!) So, she gave me the number of another wonderful woman named Trisha who just happens to be the Texas sales/advertising rep for Bass Master! How cool is that! I was about to pitch my story to the stinkin rep of Texas! So, again, I told her my story and she was so inspired and compelled to help me that she left the conversation with these words that I will never, ever, EVER forget... She said that this whole thing was technically over her head. Then she followed up with the fact that she was going to headquarters in Indiana the very next day and was willing to pitch my story to the people there who could do something about it! Even the part about them potentially helping me get that last trade!! HOW AWESOME! She said that she would let me know when she heard something. So, I waited... one day... two days... and by day three, I HAD to call and see what she found out. She informed me that she had passed on all my info and that if Bass Master wanted to do a story on my journey, that they would be in touch. So, I am waiting as patiently as I can and I'm so excited to see what might happen! I feel like there are a lot of exclamation marks in this post! Can you tell I'm excited?! To make things even more exciting, I am going to call Triton Boats, Skeeter Boats, Tracker Boats, Champion Boats, and anyone else I can think of and pitch them my story as well! I also plan on getting in touch with the local paper and seeing if they have any interest in helping me get the word out to the local West Texas area.
In the meantime, I have got to keep doing what I'm doing and get some more trades coming my way! I have even had one person say that if I can get somewhere near the $40,000 range that they would trade me a piece of property that they own! Maybe that should be my mark... it seems so unattainable, but so did a $800 piece of sewing equipment a month ago... So here's my exciting news! I have decided that in order to have a better chance of completing this journey, I am opening up my horizons. My wife has graciously agreed to let me advertise that if you are ANYWHERE in Texas, we can make a deal. I know that it will take some time, money, and effort, but it is TOTALLY worth it, even if I have to drive 10 hours in a day to make it happen! I will post similar ads in the Dallas area, in the Houston area, the San Antonio area and the Austin area in hopes that I might be able to find the right people for the trades! I am so very excited to see where this train will take me. Like I said earlier, it took my man Kyle MacDonald an entire year to get his appx. $50,000 house in Canada. Let's show him how we do it here in Texas! If you are out there anywhere in Texas and have the vision to see vision, or just really, really want my serger, I encourage you to email me at Remember, all I want is something that is at least a little bit better than what I have. You can also call or text me during decent hours at 432-twoeighteight-four7zero6. Please leave me a voicemail if you don't get ahold of me. I can't wait to get the next offer!
I have a challenge for you. I searched and searched the net for information on this specific serger but to no avail. I would very much appreciate it if someone out there could find a link online for information on this serger. It is a Savant serger model number st600L. It would be very helpful in allowing people to understand its value. Please leave links in the comment box below. ALSO and more importantly, if you had anything in the world, not saying that you have to commit to anything, but if you were able, what are some things you might think are comparable trades for my serger? I ask this so that people can get ideas of what might be something they could consider trading. Leave any thoughts in the comment box as well!
Thank you all again for making this so exciting. It would not be nearly as fun if I knew that I was the only one reading these. But, to date, my page has received nearly 1700 hits from 9 different countries. Way to go guys! And now that the word is getting out to the rest of Texas, I expect to see some serious increases in page views! Before you close out this page, I encourage you to subscribe to this page so we can keep in touch! Thank you again so very much! I'll keep you posted.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Sew...How's it going?
So... there I was, rocking back and forth in my beautiful solid wood rocking chair, texting my mom, checking my Facebook on my phone, visiting to get my fantasy fishing team lined up, (yes, there is actually such a thing!) when all of a sudden, my phone sounded that glorious sound that now gets my heart pumping every time since I began my journey... I had received an email! Now, on any normal day, I would not have paid much attention to this beautiful chime because the chances of it being something that truly deserved my body going into adrenaline overdrive were slim to none. However, since I began my journey, every buzz in my pocket, every sweet email chime is worthy of a party and gets my full attention, because you never know when that next trade offer is going to come through!! And this time, it was sweeter than ever.

One thing I have learned from this experience is that you never know the answer to five simple questions: Who? What? When? Why? Where? And each opportunity to trade is an adventure in and of itself. Well, Sunday evening, I answered these questions regarding my next trade! I got an email from one Angel Qualls of Midland, TX who had an incredible deal to offer me. (I have a feeling that it was the Fabio voice in her head that told her she needed my rocking chair!) As soon as I saw it, I knew that it would be the absolute perfect thing to have!
I have a confession to make... I have always wanted to learn how to sew... and fortunately, Angel, eager to help me realize my dream of being on Project Runway (only joking...), offered up her Savant serger, fully equipped with everything one would need to become an expert seamstress! It is a 3 year old model that to my knowledge has only been used one or two times. It is basically BRAND NEW! How awesome is that?! BUT WAIT! It gets better! It comes with about $100 in replacement parts just in case it wasn't sweet enough already, the owners manual, a VERY useful (as you will see in a minute) expert sewing book, brand new carrying case and so much more! Before I go any further and show you pictures of this masterpiece, I want to give a shout-out to my wonderful sister-in-law Megan Greathouse of Greathouse Photography for taking the pictures of the serger! You can see more about her and how awesome a photographer she is at!
This machine was so efficient and professional that it only took me a few minutes before...

One thing I have learned from this experience is that you never know the answer to five simple questions: Who? What? When? Why? Where? And each opportunity to trade is an adventure in and of itself. Well, Sunday evening, I answered these questions regarding my next trade! I got an email from one Angel Qualls of Midland, TX who had an incredible deal to offer me. (I have a feeling that it was the Fabio voice in her head that told her she needed my rocking chair!) As soon as I saw it, I knew that it would be the absolute perfect thing to have!
I have a confession to make... I have always wanted to learn how to sew... and fortunately, Angel, eager to help me realize my dream of being on Project Runway (only joking...), offered up her Savant serger, fully equipped with everything one would need to become an expert seamstress! It is a 3 year old model that to my knowledge has only been used one or two times. It is basically BRAND NEW! How awesome is that?! BUT WAIT! It gets better! It comes with about $100 in replacement parts just in case it wasn't sweet enough already, the owners manual, a VERY useful (as you will see in a minute) expert sewing book, brand new carrying case and so much more! Before I go any further and show you pictures of this masterpiece, I want to give a shout-out to my wonderful sister-in-law Megan Greathouse of Greathouse Photography for taking the pictures of the serger! You can see more about her and how awesome a photographer she is at!
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Here is a picture of everything that comes with this. (from left to right: 10 year limited warranty, owner's manual, replacement ruffling foot, replacement beading, piping and cording foot, Savant serger, replacement blind hem foot, something that looks like a loooong needle, and a serger guide to help you learn to serge!)
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It also comes with a foot pedal for added convenience! |
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Here is a sample of at least one kind of stitching that it does. |
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This bag is basically brand new! Still has the tag on it and everything!! |
Ya know that feeling when you get that one thing, the thing that is going to take you to the next level? Maybe it's a set golf clubs made out of adamantium that are claimed to hit the ball a solid 5280 feet or maybe it's the world famous Paula Dean's cookware that will cook dinner for you. Well, this is my adamantium golf clubs... this is my cookware... I decided that before I traded this amazing machine away, I had to give it a go! So, I busted out the "Serger's Guide" and got to reading!
I read and read, learning all that I could. But, you can only learn so much by reading; you gotta get out there and try it! I found the perfect piece of scrap cloth and got to work.
I stitched until my hands wanted to bleed!
Finally, I started to see some progress...
This machine was so efficient and professional that it only took me a few minutes before...
I had made my very own shirt! And let me tell you, if I can do it, you can do it!
I can't express enough how incredible this is. I mean, think about it. I started with a busted water-pistol two weeks ago and now, I have a machine worth hundreds of dollars! From what I can tell, this machine new was $899 retail and even though it is a few years old, it is barely used and likely still holds most of it's value! Not to mention, it comes with over $100 worth of accessories and replacement parts!! It is absolutely amazing and takes generous people like you all who have the vision to see vision! Thank you all for getting behind me as I travel down this incredible, exciting road! Allow me to repeat myself, but I can't wait til I get to log my last entry with the news that I have officially traded up to a bass boat!
If you would like to be part of my journey, first I encourage you to follow my page here and second, consider what you might have to trade me! I am open to all offers as long as it is at least a little bit better than what I have! Feel free to email me at or call/text me at 432-twoeighteight-four7zero6!
One more shout-out to and to Greathouse Photography for the incredible pictures! They totally tell the story! Way to go Meg!
Here's Where It Get's Interesting!
Hey Avid Readers!! This is the point where it gets really, really interesting on my end and yours! I've begun trading for items that are quite valuable. Today, hopefully I will exchange my rocking chair for my most valuable trade thus far. I try not to blog about trades until I have it in hand (which should be some time this evening). So on that note, stay tuned tonight for the exciting update!
I want to take a moment to thank you, my readers, for being committed to following this story! To date, we have just under 1000 people who have logged in to check out my story! All in just over 2 weeks!! Also, there are 6 different countries represented in that figure including Russia, Germany, The Netherlands, Honduras, the United Kingdom and the USA! HOW COOL IS THAT! This thing has gone international!
Now, I know that I have not been writing nearly as often, but the thing about having more valuable items to trade is that it is really going to take the right person who wants or needs the items that I have to offer or someone who wants to be awesome and has the means to help me out. All that to say, it might be a while between posts simply because it's going to take longer to find a trade. This is only a projection, however, because I didn't think I would trade the rocking chair so quickly and for something so awesome, but I got the offer on Sunday for the chair and have been waiting for today when we can go make it happen! So my promise to you is that as soon as I have a trade confirmed and in hand, I will let you all know!
I tell you what, this has been such an exciting journey! You all have made this whole process possible and I'm excited to one day write the final submission for this adventure as my journey reaches its awesome conclusion. I mean seriously, I started with a broken water-gun and I am about to finalize a trade for an item worth in the vicinity of $400-500! I'm hoping that I can reach my goal within about 10 more trades.
I can't tell you much, because details are not finalized, but the next leg of this journey might include a power presence known as the internationally recognized website and B.A.S.S. Organization. I'm really excited about the possibilities and I'm looking forward to seeing where this road will take me! Only time will tell! Stay tuned for more exciting updates as the story of "trading on up to a bass boat" unfolds!
If you want to be part of this and might have something to trade down the road, let me know and we can work something out when the time comes! My number is 432-twoeighteight-four7zero6 and my email address is!
I want to take a moment to thank you, my readers, for being committed to following this story! To date, we have just under 1000 people who have logged in to check out my story! All in just over 2 weeks!! Also, there are 6 different countries represented in that figure including Russia, Germany, The Netherlands, Honduras, the United Kingdom and the USA! HOW COOL IS THAT! This thing has gone international!
Now, I know that I have not been writing nearly as often, but the thing about having more valuable items to trade is that it is really going to take the right person who wants or needs the items that I have to offer or someone who wants to be awesome and has the means to help me out. All that to say, it might be a while between posts simply because it's going to take longer to find a trade. This is only a projection, however, because I didn't think I would trade the rocking chair so quickly and for something so awesome, but I got the offer on Sunday for the chair and have been waiting for today when we can go make it happen! So my promise to you is that as soon as I have a trade confirmed and in hand, I will let you all know!
I tell you what, this has been such an exciting journey! You all have made this whole process possible and I'm excited to one day write the final submission for this adventure as my journey reaches its awesome conclusion. I mean seriously, I started with a broken water-gun and I am about to finalize a trade for an item worth in the vicinity of $400-500! I'm hoping that I can reach my goal within about 10 more trades.
I can't tell you much, because details are not finalized, but the next leg of this journey might include a power presence known as the internationally recognized website and B.A.S.S. Organization. I'm really excited about the possibilities and I'm looking forward to seeing where this road will take me! Only time will tell! Stay tuned for more exciting updates as the story of "trading on up to a bass boat" unfolds!
If you want to be part of this and might have something to trade down the road, let me know and we can work something out when the time comes! My number is 432-twoeighteight-four7zero6 and my email address is!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Who needs a nap? I NEED A NAP! Fortunately, I have this rocking chair!
Good Morning from the dry country of Odessa, TX! If you have kept up with me thus far, you know that I had a dell laptop that was traded to me for my Asian decorations. Neither Miss Cynthia nor I realized it at the time, but the computer had some issues that were going to make it hard to trade it to someone in good conscience without taking a pretty good step backwards and so Cynthia, so excited to help in any way, was gracious enough to take the computer back and trade me something even better!
Allow me to set the mood. Read this like Fabio is reading this in his smooth accent... Close your eyes (JUST PLAYIN! You can't read with your eyes closed silly :) ... You're a hard working woman...You've had a LONG day doing what you incredible women do... Your shoes have worn blisters on your feet and all you want to do is take them off and get off of your feet... You learned on Dr. Oz that the gentle swaying of a rocking chair affects your inner ear, causing you to become soothed and relaxed... and so you look around your house and low and behold, you had just traded Coy something bigger and better for that rocking chair that looks so good over in the corner... OOOOOOOOHH... So you make your way over there, losing your shoes on the way, and you plop into that chair with your favorite book and rock the night away! (If you're a man, think about that hard working girlfriend or wife and do the right thing... get this for her! She'll love you forever!!)
Now that you've been convinced that this is something you need, you should know I will have a very hard time giving this up because as soon as I got back from picking it up, I felt the sudden urge to take a nap, so that's exactly what I did! My son had fun with it too as you can probably tell from the happy expression on his face... (you should know that the chair is bigger than it looks! I'm 6'7" and 300 lbs! That says something about the integrity of the chair too! :)
A few specs on this amazing piece: Cythia was kind enough to trade me this beautiful solid wood rocking chair! I purchased a chair cushion just to make it extra comfy! It was from wal-mart and whoever wants to trade will get the receipt in case they are trying to stick with a specific color scheme or want to get one that fits a little better! It's pretty big and can hold me, so chances are it can hold you! Super sturdy.
I know that someone out there is looking for this rocking chair that will make their lives easier, plus you'll be helping me out along my journey! You can find it on craigslist by clicking here.
If you are interested in trading from somewhere in the west Texas area, feel free to hit me up. My cell number is 432-twoeighteight-four7zero6. Also, I thought I'd include my email in this one,
Thank you all for helping me make this possible! Let's keep going!!!
Thanks Miss Cynthia!! |
Allow me to set the mood. Read this like Fabio is reading this in his smooth accent... Close your eyes (JUST PLAYIN! You can't read with your eyes closed silly :) ... You're a hard working woman...You've had a LONG day doing what you incredible women do... Your shoes have worn blisters on your feet and all you want to do is take them off and get off of your feet... You learned on Dr. Oz that the gentle swaying of a rocking chair affects your inner ear, causing you to become soothed and relaxed... and so you look around your house and low and behold, you had just traded Coy something bigger and better for that rocking chair that looks so good over in the corner... OOOOOOOOHH... So you make your way over there, losing your shoes on the way, and you plop into that chair with your favorite book and rock the night away! (If you're a man, think about that hard working girlfriend or wife and do the right thing... get this for her! She'll love you forever!!)
Now THAT looks like a good time! |
Now that you've been convinced that this is something you need, you should know I will have a very hard time giving this up because as soon as I got back from picking it up, I felt the sudden urge to take a nap, so that's exactly what I did! My son had fun with it too as you can probably tell from the happy expression on his face... (you should know that the chair is bigger than it looks! I'm 6'7" and 300 lbs! That says something about the integrity of the chair too! :)
A few specs on this amazing piece: Cythia was kind enough to trade me this beautiful solid wood rocking chair! I purchased a chair cushion just to make it extra comfy! It was from wal-mart and whoever wants to trade will get the receipt in case they are trying to stick with a specific color scheme or want to get one that fits a little better! It's pretty big and can hold me, so chances are it can hold you! Super sturdy.
I know that someone out there is looking for this rocking chair that will make their lives easier, plus you'll be helping me out along my journey! You can find it on craigslist by clicking here.
If you are interested in trading from somewhere in the west Texas area, feel free to hit me up. My cell number is 432-twoeighteight-four7zero6. Also, I thought I'd include my email in this one,
Thank you all for helping me make this possible! Let's keep going!!!
Friday, January 13, 2012
Heading East to the other side of the world
I feel so accomplished today! The lovely 1 lb wicker bass is standing proudly as the centerpiece of one Shanann Plaag's coffee table last I heard. She was so excited about the opportunity to help me on my journey that she made me an AWESOME deal! At first, I was a little hesitant because it was such a jump in value, but it sold itself when I saw it in person! I know someone is going to want to have this for their very own!!
Man! I feel like throwing a party! But, it's gotta go. However, you can now throw your own Asian themed party or decorate your home with this lovely set! Each piece is between 15-20 years old approximately and is fine quality. She originally purchased each piece for around $35 from different stores. Rough trade value is around $120ish, but feel free to offer whatever you want! Let's make a deal. If you would like to trade for this lot, shoot me a text at 432-twoeighteight-four7zero6! Thanks for checking back with me! Stay tuned for more exciting trades to come!!!
It is a whole set of Asian decor! Here it is! Check it out!!
It comes complete with 4 individual wall panels with raised figures...
...A very nice teapot/teacup combo...
...a beautiful soap stone dragon...
...stylish blue ceramic jewelry box and rosewood lions...
Man! I feel like throwing a party! But, it's gotta go. However, you can now throw your own Asian themed party or decorate your home with this lovely set! Each piece is between 15-20 years old approximately and is fine quality. She originally purchased each piece for around $35 from different stores. Rough trade value is around $120ish, but feel free to offer whatever you want! Let's make a deal. If you would like to trade for this lot, shoot me a text at 432-twoeighteight-four7zero6! Thanks for checking back with me! Stay tuned for more exciting trades to come!!!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
There's something fishy about this
Thank you Bubba Stallcup (to my right) of Odessa, TX for the wonderful trade experience. We met for lunch to discuss a potential trade. Little did he know that I drive a hard bargain! However, we both walked away fully satisfied with our trade. Bubba is a local youth pastor here in Odessa and has a knack for collecting odd things to use as discussion starters. Luckily he was willing to part with what he called his "1 lb wicker bass"! His group made quick use of the stickers by fashioning them to their foreheads for a photo-op. Thanks Bubba for helping me progress on my journey!
it's kinda smiling at you |
I was so excited about this trade that I had to go get some good use out of it before I had to say goodbye when moving on to the next treasure... But that's the name of the game. So, I did a little fishing practice, and sure enough... caught it. Biggest bass within 120 miles. Sadly, that's probably true.
I know, I know... all of your mouths were watering when you saw this luscious piece of white meat, but sadly, it already has a destination. Not ten minutes after I traded the stickers away, I got an email from woman in Midland excited about the opportunity to own such a beautiful piece! So tomorrow, I'm off to Midland to see what kinds of things she will be wanting to trade for my wicker fish. Thanks for checking in! Check back soon to see what exciting things tomorrow has in store!
The real world is out there... I know it!
The great Morpheus of the world class flick The Matrix once stated, "Welcome to the real world."
I am so excited to be on this journey! It is so exciting! It is also unknown... which I think makes it all the more exciting! I made my first trade yesterday morning around 10 a.m. or so and I posted that new item on craigslist, on Facebook and on my blog and waited... I waited and waited and waited... and then FINALLY I got a response! It was from one "Luba Cuckler" and turned out to my severe disappointment to be a scammer trying to buy my stickers for $10,999 (just a little over my asking price)! I wasn't going to sell them anyways because I wanted to me true to myself and to my principles. But, in the end, it was just a sad attempt to get my hopes up! Thanks a lot LUBA! That doesn't even sound like a real name!!! (sorry if your name is actually Luba...)
I thought to myself this morning about what it must have been like for Kyle MacDonald when he approached his computer screen and thought..., "now is this really going to work?!" I know that this whole thing seems trivial and kinda silly, but you would have a permanent place in my memory and in the memories of all those who read this blog! I traded yesterday for a pad of stickers with my co-worker. THANKS CO-WORKER! But now, it's all "welcome to the real world!" I'm not going to get myself down after one slow day of craigslisters, because truth of it is, I tripled... no Quadrupled my daily views yesterday so I know that someone out there is reading it in the Midessa/Big Spring/Lubbock/West Texas area thinking, by golly, I sure do have something I could trade him! So let's do it! Be part of my journey! I'm pumped to see what might turn up today!
Stay tuned for more action!
I am so excited to be on this journey! It is so exciting! It is also unknown... which I think makes it all the more exciting! I made my first trade yesterday morning around 10 a.m. or so and I posted that new item on craigslist, on Facebook and on my blog and waited... I waited and waited and waited... and then FINALLY I got a response! It was from one "Luba Cuckler" and turned out to my severe disappointment to be a scammer trying to buy my stickers for $10,999 (just a little over my asking price)! I wasn't going to sell them anyways because I wanted to me true to myself and to my principles. But, in the end, it was just a sad attempt to get my hopes up! Thanks a lot LUBA! That doesn't even sound like a real name!!! (sorry if your name is actually Luba...)
I thought to myself this morning about what it must have been like for Kyle MacDonald when he approached his computer screen and thought..., "now is this really going to work?!" I know that this whole thing seems trivial and kinda silly, but you would have a permanent place in my memory and in the memories of all those who read this blog! I traded yesterday for a pad of stickers with my co-worker. THANKS CO-WORKER! But now, it's all "welcome to the real world!" I'm not going to get myself down after one slow day of craigslisters, because truth of it is, I tripled... no Quadrupled my daily views yesterday so I know that someone out there is reading it in the Midessa/Big Spring/Lubbock/West Texas area thinking, by golly, I sure do have something I could trade him! So let's do it! Be part of my journey! I'm pumped to see what might turn up today!
Stay tuned for more action!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
I was just thinking, I will be posting items in different sections depending on the category the item falls into. For example, right now, the stickers fall into the arts+crafts section. If you would like to search for my items in particular, you can type in "SBSB" in the search bar in the Odessa craigslist page. Thanks for checking it out!!
You and me baby we're stuck like... Stickers!
YEEEHAWWW! Got my first trade just minutes after posting my fresh new item up for trade. My good friend and co-worker, Terra Tindle, asked what I was up to with the blog and after I told her, she gladly offered up a trade for the busted water weapon!
I am the proud new owner of this lovely set of stickers! But not for long!! Hopefully by the end of the day, one of YOU will be a proud new sticker connoisseur! This is worth about $0.25 so let's see if we can outdo that!
If you have something you'd trade, (honestly I dont care where you live, I will mail it to you. However if you live in the Midessa area, I will take it to you to swap) let me know ASAP! 432-288-four7zero6
I am the proud new owner of this lovely set of stickers! But not for long!! Hopefully by the end of the day, one of YOU will be a proud new sticker connoisseur! This is worth about $0.25 so let's see if we can outdo that!
If you have something you'd trade, (honestly I dont care where you live, I will mail it to you. However if you live in the Midessa area, I will take it to you to swap) let me know ASAP! 432-288-four7zero6
Today is the day!
So, I decided that it would be best for me to start smaller. I think people could get behind it if they are not out a lot! So... I started this morning fresh. I was meandering around my house when I stumbled upon this watergun! It is a very nice watergun in a lovely shade of purple. The stopper works just fine and would be prime for soaking your co-workers or friends... EXCEPT that it has a giant crack down the side.
If you would be interested in trading me a single item of greater value than a busted watergun, which by the way most things are, I would be glad to ship it on over!! hit me up 432-288-four7zero6
If you would be interested in trading me a single item of greater value than a busted watergun, which by the way most things are, I would be glad to ship it on over!! hit me up 432-288-four7zero6
Monday, January 9, 2012
And so it begins! The quest for a bass boat!
I have always understood the value of the dollar. Since I was a young child, my father taught me about business and how to make money to provide for myself and for my family. Whether that was by washing widows or mowing lawns, I got a taste of what it meant to be able to have the things that I wanted and needed. As I grew, he showed me first hand the importance of putting your family first and I hope and pray that I can be as good a father and husband for my family as my dad was for me!
I caught my first fish when I was 4 years old. It was a 5 lb alligator gar on my Mickey Mouse rod! (I think it actually may have been Goofy :) I was absolutely consumed from that moment on! I grew up on the coast so I dove into surf fishing and loved the intricacies of working the tides and fishing the cuts and bays. When I went to college, one of my best friends became my fishing partner. Since there was no saltwater outside of the wellwater within 300 miles, we turned to the hard fighting, finicky, technically tough black bass to satisfy our need for tight lines and early mornings on the water!
Sadly, Odessa, TX is not the place for bass fishing enthusiasts... So really my best chance to make the best of my limited opportunity is to go to lakes a couple of times a year and an hour or two away and bass fish from a boat. Man! It has always been a dream of mine to own a bass boat of my own! I have fished 3 bass tournaments at Lake Fork and I KNOW that if we had've had a boat other than our dinky rental, we would have done MUCH better! Thus, the persuit of owning a bass boat began!
Now that I am a husband and a father, my priorities have changed. My love and passion for studying and catching elusive bass however remains as fiery as ever! However because of my understanding that family absolutely comes first, I have done my best to provide and because of that, have not had the finances to have my own boat.
One of my favorite things in the world is thinking outside the box and finding creative alternatives to achieve anything from daily tasks to big roadblocks. I was inspired by a story I heard when I was in college. In 2006, a man started with a paperclip and just over a year later had traded all the way up for a house in Canada simply posting in the barter section of craigslist. It wasn't long before he had national and even international publicity. What an inspiration! Don't get me wrong, I don't neessarily expect this to put me on the cover of BASS Magazine or anything. I really just hope this can be a means to an end in helping me achieve my dream of owning my own bass boat!
Given the explosion of Facebook, and the hundreds of millions of people who are a part of it, I felt there was no better venue than Facebook to achieve this goal! My plan is to post a new blog each time I get an offer or trade so that you, my faithful reader can keep up with all the excitement! I will make sure to post links on Facebook and if you are not my friend on FB, feel free to add me so you can stay up-to-date!
Im so excited to begin this journey! Thank you all for walking beside me during this adventure and I know that with all of your help, we can make it happen!
I caught my first fish when I was 4 years old. It was a 5 lb alligator gar on my Mickey Mouse rod! (I think it actually may have been Goofy :) I was absolutely consumed from that moment on! I grew up on the coast so I dove into surf fishing and loved the intricacies of working the tides and fishing the cuts and bays. When I went to college, one of my best friends became my fishing partner. Since there was no saltwater outside of the wellwater within 300 miles, we turned to the hard fighting, finicky, technically tough black bass to satisfy our need for tight lines and early mornings on the water!
Sadly, Odessa, TX is not the place for bass fishing enthusiasts... So really my best chance to make the best of my limited opportunity is to go to lakes a couple of times a year and an hour or two away and bass fish from a boat. Man! It has always been a dream of mine to own a bass boat of my own! I have fished 3 bass tournaments at Lake Fork and I KNOW that if we had've had a boat other than our dinky rental, we would have done MUCH better! Thus, the persuit of owning a bass boat began!
Now that I am a husband and a father, my priorities have changed. My love and passion for studying and catching elusive bass however remains as fiery as ever! However because of my understanding that family absolutely comes first, I have done my best to provide and because of that, have not had the finances to have my own boat.
One of my favorite things in the world is thinking outside the box and finding creative alternatives to achieve anything from daily tasks to big roadblocks. I was inspired by a story I heard when I was in college. In 2006, a man started with a paperclip and just over a year later had traded all the way up for a house in Canada simply posting in the barter section of craigslist. It wasn't long before he had national and even international publicity. What an inspiration! Don't get me wrong, I don't neessarily expect this to put me on the cover of BASS Magazine or anything. I really just hope this can be a means to an end in helping me achieve my dream of owning my own bass boat!
Given the explosion of Facebook, and the hundreds of millions of people who are a part of it, I felt there was no better venue than Facebook to achieve this goal! My plan is to post a new blog each time I get an offer or trade so that you, my faithful reader can keep up with all the excitement! I will make sure to post links on Facebook and if you are not my friend on FB, feel free to add me so you can stay up-to-date!
Im so excited to begin this journey! Thank you all for walking beside me during this adventure and I know that with all of your help, we can make it happen!
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